Hear what Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Peter Welch, Dr. Mark Levine and others have to say about SASH. Watch Video Clips


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Press Release

Four-Year SASH Evaluation Shows Continued Positive Health Outcomes & Medicare Savings

Improved health, slowed Medicare expenditures and more health-savvy older adults: these are the findings of the latest federally funded, third-party evaluation of older adults living in Vermont affordable-housing communities and enrolled in SASH® (Support and Services at Home)

Press Release

SASH & Vermont Foodbank Renew Partnership, Extending Foodbank’s Reach Statewide

The Vermont Foodbank and SASH® (Support and Services at Home, a comprehensive care-coordination model managed through nonprofit housing organizations throughout Vermont), have extended their partnership for a third year.

Press Release

HUD Launches Nationwide Demonstration of Senior Wellness Program Modeled after SASH

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has named 40 senior housing developments in seven states that will pilot a program modeled after SASH®, the innovative, supportive-services housing model created by Cathedral Square Corporation of South Burlington, Vermont.

RecognitionSASH in the News

SASH Receives 2016 National Award for ‘Excellence in Program Innovation’

SASH received the 2016 Award for Excellence in Program Innovation from the American Public Health Association (APHA) and Archstone Foundation during its 2016 annual meeting in Colorado.

SASH in the News

SASH Fellows Program Provides One-of-a-Kind Training for UVM Medical Students

A geriatric fellowship through the University of Vermont Center on Aging provides UVM medical students important insight into the social dynamics that influence a person’s health.

SASH in the News

Support and Services at Home (SASH) Model Called a ‘Success Story’

Noting that most older adults want to age independently in their homes and communities, yet most homes and communities can’t safely and affordably accommodate this desire, a 2016 report by the Bipartisan Policy Center recommends increasing the availability of service-enriched housing (like Vermont’s Support and Services at Home model) to improve health outcomes in seniors while cutting the growth in Medicare expenditures.

Learn More About Cathedral Square
Cathedral Square improves the lives of older adults and people with diverse needs by creating and maintaining quality, affordable housing with services tailored to their unique circumstances. Learn more at: