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SASH Assists RuralEdge Residents Impacted by Flooding

Written by Gary Chester, RuralEdge SASH Program Director. Photo and story courtesy of RuralEdge.

In the early morning hours of Tuesday, July 30, 2024, while people were asleep, the Lyndon/Saint Johnsbury areas were hit with a massive storm that dumped nearly 9.3 inches of rain on the already water-soaked communities. Many of the roads that were being repaired from the previous storm on July 10th were once again destroyed. This devastation made it impossible for rescuers to reach several stranded community members.

One area that was hit particularly hard by the storm was the Red Village area of Lyndon. The Sheldon Brook headwaters begin on Kirby Mountain and flows through the settlement of Red Village. Overnight and into the morning, the rain came and water rapidly overflowed the banks carrying rocks and debris downstream. This wall hit Red Village, destroying property and several homes. One home that was destroyed belonged to a longtime resident and SASH® (Support and Services at Home) participant.

The participant and their elderly relative were awakened to find their house had been carried off its foundation and was moving downstream. Fortunately, the house ran aground on a bridge that was above the high water. There was a window leading to the road that was still intact. Neighbors were able to rescue the pair and provide them with shelter in their home. The impacted residents were able to contact family members to let them know they were all right, but they had lost everything. Because of the destruction, the family members were unable to reach them for several hours until the water had receded.

Once the family members reached their home, they were contacted by their SASH Coordinator to see if they could be of assistance. They needed clothes, food, water, and medications. The SASH coordinator contacted several food shelves and was able to get shoes, clothes, towels, and other items from Corner Medical in Saint Johnsbury. The RuralEdge staff were quick to help with food, medical advice, and referrals, along with housing options and support.

RuralEdge, SASH, and the community will continue to support this family as well as others that have been impacted by this disaster.


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